While the UK is under water, it’s hot and sunny in Brazil where the PSP team are visiting our professional spraying equipment supplier Guarany.
Guarany has some new, typically innovative products which we are looking forward to showcasing here and across Europe in the months ahead. The team have yet again been really impressed with the professionalism of Guarany and how seriously they take product development and product training.
Air, water, earth and fire: in agreement with Guarany’s philosophy, all their products and services are designed with the preservation of these four elements in mind. To preserve the environment is embedded in Guarany’s culture. This is apparent in its glorious campus where plants and trees are beautifully tended and there is a arboretum where each staff member and visitor has a tree planted in their honour and to offset in some way their own carbon emissions.
Here’s some pictures of the Guarany HQ in Itu!